it’s been awhile

I don’t know how many people actually read my blog anymore, but I figured I’d give an update.  Mike and I were successfully able to get pregnant in April this year.  It was a completely awesome surprise, as we weren’t actually trying at the time, and we needed no medical intervention to help us.  It seems as though the miscarriage I had in January got my cycles back on track, and Mike’s few sperm were determined enough to make this all happen.  I’m almost 14 weeks along now, and I was able to see the baby and its heartbeat at 10 weeks 3 days.  I can’t begin to describe the relief I felt when I saw the baby on that ultrasound screen, I just started crying.  I think I’ll probably continue to feel that way all through this pregnancy, as I’m just so grateful for this baby.  I feel incredibly lucky that everything worked out for us.

I know some might wonder if I had jumped into IVF too soon, especially now that I was able to get pregnant on my own – I know I wondered the same thing.  But I truly believe that if I had never had the miscarriage the first time, I would have never gotten pregnant this time.   I think my body needed a kickstart to get things moving as they should, and unfortunately it took a very expensive and emotional procedure to do that.  I don’t know if Mike’s sperm count went up as we haven’t done any further testing, but I’m done seeking answers.

I won’t be posting here anymore, as it doesn’t seem to fit the theme of my life at this point.  I wouldn’t want someone unsuspectingly coming upon my blog seeking support for their infertility, just to see that I’m posting all about my pregnancy.  Don’t get me wrong, I always loved hearing the success stories from others who struggled with infertility, but when I was going through infertility treatment and everything seemed so impossible, I certainly didn’t want to read about the joys of pregnancy.  I haven’t decided if I want to start another blog, but I’ll post a link here if I ever do, just in case anyone wants to follow along.

Good luck to everyone out there who is still struggling with infertility, I really hope the best for you.